

  • Maggie Huang
  • 12/27/21
1. 上周$400萬美金以上市場,共42套合約簽署。
2. 上周總成交量為$3億6千8百5十3萬美金、平均折扣3%。
3. 上周成就$400萬美金以上市場耶誕節周合約簽署數量新紀錄,前記錄是2016年耶誕節周簽署的17套。
4. 上周樓王為248 Central Park West Townhouse,售價為$3,000萬美金。 售價第二高的是515 Park Avenue 38/39,售價$2,795萬美金。
The Maggie Huang Team @ Corcoran Group
Cell: +1917-826-7864
Instagram: @TheMaggieHuangTeam

Work with The Maggie Huang Team

Maggie and the team built up their bilingual and bi-cultural ways to assist both English & Mandarin-speaking clients to create more profit and find their dream homes.